When I was trying to pick out a "design i like," I tried to think of an advertisement that had quickly gotten my attention and made me think about the story behind the product it was selling. Thinking in that way, I chose the poster from the RPG game Fallout 3. The poster is simple, not overly flashy but does a really good job at attracting my attention, and the fact that the only hint that it is referring to a game is the company and studio names at the bottom, forces you to scan the whole picture to look for information
The basic picture, a family playing football during a picnic, has a 50’s era depiction of family life, with a husband, wife two children, and a dog. The text at the top, prepare for the future, written in a retro font, combined with a smiling cartoon figure in the back gives it a feel of a life insurance ad from the era. First viewing this however, the juxtaposition of the words “prepare for the future,” with a weathered and damaged looking poster show instantly that something bad has happened and the “future” to be prepared for has already come. Then when you think how this represents a in world poster, the fact that nobody has changed It, combined with the ageing of the paper and the weathering implies that whatever happened was a major event. Looking further down and seeing the words Fallout 3 brings te whole thing together and changes the feel to a Cold War era bomb shelter ad, for a threat that turned out to be real.
There is some much to see! Games I should play, exhibits I should see.. you guys show me new things every day! I sound soooo old!